Thursday, December 27, 2007

Israel and Palestine

"Palestinian and Israeli states living side by side." Does not that sound like an end to the long conflict that has marred the middle east skies so long. Saeb Erakat asked for a package deal to make this happen. And Israelis have kind of said that a package deal is necessary.

The six points:

  • Israeli settlements in the West Bank;

  • the right of Palestinian refugees to return to Israel;

  • Jerusalem as the shared capital of a future Palestinian state;

  • borders,

  • security and

  • water supply.

My question is that "do they really think it will solve the issue".

Never, i am pretty sure if israel accpets this, there will be lot more internal voilence and that do deep within Isreal. I am not against the Palestinians but its a simple question of accpeting a deal since the Palestinians keep doing their terrorist activities. Ok Hamas not all Palestinians.

But still, If a faction or a state or a country indulges in terorist activites, a state like Israel should consider itself at war with them. I believe when there is a war, it gets over when one side is victorious. I am not saying palestanians are all bad, but Isarael should adopt a finish off attitude to end Hamas.

What reason they have to fight is the fundamental base of all this confrontation and it is not about poverty or suppression, but just religion. This just ticks me off. Yes i do care for innocent palestanians. But people who just know how to succumb to hardcore fanatics like hamas should know better.

Does Israel knows :

There is an average of 5 kids per woman in Gaza strip!

1.5 million palestanians and 2000 christians.

And they ask for jerusalem to be shared capital. What would happen if they are brought in Israel. It would cripple their infrastructure. And they would still be poor and hunfry. Then they would fight again. And they will darken the name of Islam yet again.

You would think i am a a***** who just does not want peace. But i know the route to peace. Just stop where you are. Make Gaza strip a beautiful place. Leave your guns. Start afresh.

If Israel attacks again? you might say that. I know, but that’s a IF. If it does, the world community will turn against them. Now you are in bad light, redeem yourself.

It isnt you can’t make Gaza a beautiful place.

I wrote this because i think , if you succumb to terrorist demands, you actually create more. Most of us believe that to end this conflict of Israelis and Palestinians (also according to all major polls) creation of the two-state solution is the best way to end it.

Now lets talk history. Palestinians refugees, are they refugees? Most of them just fled on their own. But still they should have fought then. Now when you left everything, you want it back. Take the case of India-Pakistan partition, majority of Hindus fled to India. Can Pakistan or Islam be blamed for that? I mean should all those hindus go back to Pakistan and fight for their lost property and all. No, they can’t.

The fundamental difference is Israel is secular, but pakistan was not. Its easier to talk peace and settle down. AS IS WHERE IS. Ok something bad happened and Israel was responsible. But the whole history of world is rigged up of such shit. You can’t go on fighting for a lost cause.

Coming to this point, I just don’t understand how countries like USA and Europe deal with scum religious countries, who value religion more over individual rights. But i would say more on that later.

Need of young leaders In cause for AIDS eradication

Don’t you find the term leader embarrassing and patronizing assuming a bunch of people who have to be led as sheep?

But the need for leaders is always inherent in man's animal nature and behavior, and in the socio-economic order he has created, with a view to exploiting it. It is analogous to exploiting natural resources but Homo sapiens sometimes refuse to accept it because it hurts their self image. At the as same time people who are most passionate about the concept of a leader are those who actually want to be numero uno. Actually leaders form a nodal joint for a group to focus and gather their strengths, energies and visions and of course weaknesses too.

AIDS is considered as a sin and a virtually untouchable disease in most parts of world. It has got up that reputation not only because it kills people but because the society treats it like that. Turning back few pages in history leprosy has had the same status in India. But now it is treated as a normal disease, thanks to the effort of so many people and government. Society treats a misconception as a baby. It grooms and feeds on people conscience and end of day awareness and self recognition dies. There are 40 million people affected with AIDS in this small world, with at least 6 million getting infected last year. And people who get infected before 25, die before they turn 35. Yet humane approach is needed to make the world better for those people. It requires enormous effort to help these people in distress. Just thinking that out of that 40 million, 2.5 million are HIV affected children below 10, gives me Goosebumps.

In Africa, (12 percent of total HIV infected) sometime back, there was a huge resistance or in better words a mind block in the society. Even the use of word condom was prohibited. There was a propaganda spread that condoms have holes and the virus can pass through. So sex abstinence was an only solution. But then end results were disastrous. Now because of conscious effort of leaders over there, it has taken a great leap. Now they are aware of situation and in a most righteous way. A leadership can virtually brainstorm the captive brains of every individual and change the perspective of everyone looking at what AIDS is now. Acting as a catalyst in promoting awareness, leaders change the viewpoint of masses. AIDS is such a disease which is entwined with human nature and to change human nature, change of attitude of masses has to be brought in. Just look at the cause of AIDS. The maximum cases of HIV infection is due to unprotected sex and then comes the number of HIV infected children born. Then we have the unhealthy and unhygienic systems in underdeveloped countries which account for HIV spread, but that is negligible. Unprotected sex is the major cause. The domain where AIDS is maximum is in poor people, like in AFRICA and even in African-American in USA and then in INDIA and CHINA. Lack of education seems to be a common factor in the developing and under developed countries. But even in USA, 555000 persons have died when AIDS has reached into its 3rd decade. 1 in every four Americans do not even know that they are infected with HIV.

Stigma and discrimination discourages most of HIV infected to come forward and in turn they pass the disease to their spouses or partners. But encouragement and effort of leaders can turn things around. Uganda is one good example. President Yoweri Museveni worked to raise awareness of the dangers of HIV and supported the use of condoms and for a long time Uganda was a role model of what could be achieved in Africa with campaigning, education and widespread condom use.

Lack of AIDS awareness has been observed even in educated households and even developed countries which further hinders the leadership process or thoughts to fulfill it goals against this dreaded syndrome. There are many NGO’s who work for AIDS Prevention and Awareness, but there is a incomplete chain in global leadership or an intellectual body with certain goals to help mankind globally.

We need leaders at every discreet level of society and promote AIDS prevention and awareness about HIV infected and the infection, the symptoms. Only these people with their charismatic appeal can make the common people understand the gravity of situation and yet make them develop the courage to fight it. Go to the root level, prostitutes and promiscuous youths, colleges and communities. Talking to people and convincing them is a cakewalk for a good leader. And since there is no cure for AIDS and prevention is foremost, they can make people understand and follow them.

I am sure ours can be an AIDS Free World. If we cultivate leaders with a human compassion and HIV knowledge who have the courage to go out and change the world and spread this compassion in his peers to develop new leaders.

This can be done by Global Leaders, which has to be among from us. Every individual should be a leader and connect to other. He should take this as a challenge and should continue a journey to make people aware of AIDS prevention and humane approach to HIV infected. Along the path many bright and innovative leaders can actually find new ways to make people take understand AIDS and its prevention. He may also find out many similar minded people to help form a team in fight against AIDS. A true leader is a like a beacon. It attracts, cultivates and encourages others to come forward and make a real ladder from root to the every leave. A leader should be able to mingle with grass root and top brass easily. Grass root is mostly unaware and uneducated, HIV infection is more. So he can actually start helping grass root and at the same time affect government officials to help in this noble cause.

Despite the efforts of researchers, doctors, nurses, educators and communities across the world, an HIV vaccine still does not exist. Many clinical trials need a diverse cohort of participants to ensure that ongoing research findings will be credible, acceptable, and relevant to all populations in the U.S. The leaders should tell HIV infected to come forward and help in this cause too.

Among other things, we would be needing youth leaders more as most of HIV infected are young people. Working in youth-adult partnerships is always a challenge because adults tend to want to work according to their rules and methodologies. Bringing HIV/AIDS education to high schools, particularly in low-income areas, can help a high portion of vulnerable populations where there is little or no knowledge of HIV. I am not saying here that adults should move away from fighting in this crusade. They should be willing to lend out a helping hand as and when needed and guide the youth leaders too.

Last is the techniques leaders should adopt in bringing AIDS awareness among common masses. Rule one is not to be shy of innovation. From innovative slogans to brochures with pictorial presentations and even movies, leaders should try to connect to people and spread the simple awareness of ABC against AIDS.

1. Abstinence
2. Be faithful
3. Condoms

The strongest message put forth by young leaders should be that of action. “Reaction is not the way”. In response to inadequate HIV/AIDS policy, don’t just protest but take action. Bring new young people in the audience to be involved in every step of the development of youth HIV/AIDS policies and programs. Develop new leaders and make a team. Its wont be a distant dream then to wipe HIV virus of the face of earth, I believe.