Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Medical profession and corporate greed

The following appeared in a medical magazine:

"Art and music have long been understood to have therapeutic effects for individuals who suffer from either physical or mental illnesses. However, most doctors rarely recommend to patients some form of art or music therapy. Instead, doctors focus almost all of their attention on costly drug treatments and invasive procedures that carry serious risks and side-effects. By focusing on these expensive procedures rather than low-cost treatments such as art and music therapy, doctors are doing a disservice to their patients and contributing to the rising cost of health care in the United States."

Discuss how well reasoned you find this argument. Point out flaws in the argument's logic and analyze the argument's underlying assumptions. In addition, evaluate how supporting evidence is used and what evidence might counter the argument's conclusion. You may also discuss what additional evidence could be used to strengthen the argument or what changes would make the argument more logically sound


Medical profession is once of the most admired profession and the jobs in our society like justice system. If you lose hope in these professions that means that the country is in deep peril. What i believe is that, this argument which puts the blame squarely on doctors of not doing enough portrays the singular thinking of the writer. This being the fact that our society is still functioning and we certainly don't live in a dark age.

The fact that art and music has therapeutic effect on patients has its merits but science has not approved it completely. We all are in someways bound by the peers who have mended the ways of society for so long. And until they put a go-ahead sign, doctors cant give the advice to some patient, lest it be some one who sues him later that his doctor went astray and didn't provide him good treatment.

But we being intelligent people, why cant we have art and music in our life? The serene nature itself is a art. But we keep on destroying it. We forget that there has to have some time to rest, not just for our body but for rejuvenation of our souls. Art like our beautiful churches, temples and nature's art, the green valley's and silent yet loud rivers, they all cheer us up. Being with our close ones and helping others, is another human art wherein we stress that when God created us, he did it in his best state of mind.

A soothing song and sometimes just raw melodies melts up the stress in our lives and makes us happier.
And a kid's laugh or your wives giggle, doesn't that bring a smile on your face.

But ask yourself and you will say now, we all know these are good things and we are missing them in our race to greed and excess consumerism.

Then why are we putting the blame on the pillars of medical profession. Doctors do the best they can, to save their patients and do what is in the best interest of them. But a taint might be there, because of giant corporate style, profit hungry pharmaceutical companies. This has to be brought forward to notice of general public and medical conferences. But until then, lets not paint this holy profession completely black.

Being raised by a doctor and of course being proud of him makes me completely against this blame game. This might be seen as a pervasive attempt to protect someone closer to me. But i have seen humanity and a genuine relationship between a doctor and a patient. A patient trusts his doctor more than he does so his own god.

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