Monday, February 06, 2006

QUEENSLAND chennai ........ tcs annual day celebrations

BOATING ....was boring again!!!!!!!!!!

from top.......some views....

trying to focus myself................risking my 6600

i am flying ..............ha ha was a shit ride.......waste of time..

thats the roller coaster........ i can still feel the sinking feeling in my gut..

HEy thats me in middle.........

srini ....sushil...dilip...

Now that was something good from TCS after all that hiccups from HR people.... really i was satisfied ....exhilarated ....QUEENSLAND is a great place ....HEY chennai is not so bad after all..........

roller coaster was the best one....then the american wave pool....

though i went through most of the places ...or rides ....leave that centrox and pirata....

dark house was also good messaging of feet......

see the pics..........

1 comment:

Dimpy Roy said...

Good one. Situated on the outskirts of the city and sprawling over a vast area, Queensland Amusement Park is replete with a range of thrilling rides, for those who live for the thrill as well as for those who prefer it to be a bit more tempered. Check out entry fee, timings, best time to visit of Queensland Chennai also.